{ "currentVersion": 11.3, "serviceDescription": "This orthoimagery dataset was acquired by Surdex Corporation in early January 2010 during leaf-off conditions in Smith County. Aerial orthoimagery flown during leaf-off conditions allows the data user to 1) identify manmade features through the deciduous tree canopy and 2) distinguish between evergreen and deciduous vegetation. The Tyler city limts and Lake Palestine are available at 6-inch pixel resolution. The remaining areas in Smith County have a coarser 12-inch pixel resolution. Both pixel resolutions allow the user to identify detailed features on the ground such as road turning lanes, fences and park benches. ", "name": "StratMap/StratMap10_NCCIR_Smith", "description": "This orthoimagery dataset was acquired by Surdex Corporation in early January 2010 during leaf-off conditions in Smith County. Aerial orthoimagery flown during leaf-off conditions allows the data user to 1) identify manmade features through the deciduous tree canopy and 2) distinguish between evergreen and deciduous vegetation. The Tyler city limts and Lake Palestine are available at 6-inch pixel resolution. The remaining areas in Smith County have a coarser 12-inch pixel resolution. Both pixel resolutions allow the user to identify detailed features on the ground such as road turning lanes, fences and park benches. 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