{ "currentVersion": 11.3, "serviceDescription": "The Smith County GIS Consortium 2020 6-inch Digital aerial imagery was acquired, processed to orthophotography and delivered to display approximately 1,104 square miles of the greater countywide area. The Smith County area orthoimagery delivery includes 1,104 Quarter-Quarter Quads (DO4Qs) uncompressed GeoTIFF tiles and 1,104 DO4Q compressed JPEG2000 tiles and 1,104 DO4Q ECW tiles, countywide JPEG2000 and ECW mosaics along with supporting files. The aerial imagery for the entire countywide project area was collected and processed exclusively by Surdex Corporation. The Statement of Work is issued by the Smith County GIS Consortium to acquire leaf-off high resolution 6-inch orthoimagery and associated products from an airborne digital camera system.", "name": "Smith_County/SmithCo_2020_NCCIR_6in", "description": "The Smith County GIS Consortium 2020 6-inch Digital aerial imagery was acquired, processed to orthophotography and delivered to display approximately 1,104 square miles of the greater countywide area. The Smith County area orthoimagery delivery includes 1,104 Quarter-Quarter Quads (DO4Qs) uncompressed GeoTIFF tiles and 1,104 DO4Q compressed JPEG2000 tiles and 1,104 DO4Q ECW tiles, countywide JPEG2000 and ECW mosaics along with supporting files. The aerial imagery for the entire countywide project area was collected and processed exclusively by Surdex Corporation. 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